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Andréia Nhur


Bailarina, atriz (finalista ao Prêmio APCA de melhor atriz em 2015) e pesquisadora. Atua na interface da dança, do teatro e da música, em parceria com seus pais, Janice Vieira (coreógrafa e musicista) e Roberto Gill Camargo (diretor, dramaturgo e iluminador). Tem doutorado em Comunicação e Semiótica pela PUC-SP e é professora do Departamento de Artes Cênicas da ECA-USP, no campo de estudos do corpo e da voz. 


​ANDRÉIA NHUR is a Brazilian dancer, actress, researcher and a professor of Poetics of Body and Voice in the Scenic Arts Department of University of São Paulo (USP). She had graduated in dance at UNICAMP and holds a doctoral degree in dance history from PUC-SP. In 2011, she did an internship at the Dance Department from University of Paris 8 (France). As a dancer and actress, she has already performed in International Festivals in Brazil (Panorama-Rio de Janeiro, International Dance Festival-Recife), Portugal (Fábrica’s Festival), Belgium (International Theater Festival of Namur) and Bolivia (Danzénica- Encuentro Internacional de Danza Contemporánea). Since 2007, she has been working with her mother, Janice Vieira, and Pró-Posição Group in autobiographical performances, mixing dance, music, theater and vídeo. She is the holder of the following awards: Association of Art Critics of São Paulo Award in 2013, Nominated for Association of Art Critics of São Paulo Award of Best Actress in 2015, Denilto Gomes Award of best dancer in 2017 and Nominated for Association of Art Critics of São Paulo Award of Best Play in 2017.

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